Saturday, 6 June 2015

The Map

Today I decided to check on the route we were going to take and finally came up with a Map. it is kind of full circle.
Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, drew a circle with a piece of red chalk and said: "When men, even unknowingly, are to meet one day, whatever may befall each, whatever their diverging paths, on the said day, they will inevitably come together in the red circle.”

The trip to Leh is such. When one starts their journey after Ludhiana, it does not matter if you are to go via Srinagar or Manali you will come to a full circle after a while. As I sat and drew a map, I knew no matter what I Did I was to reach the same point in life one again.

What if Gautama meant this only? What if wanted me to visit the land of the gods and finish another journey. They have called it a journey of a life time and while  I was contemplating my thoughts on the issue, my mind wandered around. While my travel partner is busy shopping around for the trip, I wondered if I was ready.

Ever since my childhood I have been a wanderer and while I have searched desperately for an anchor, the anchor of my life my wife is away for work on business for fifteen days. So I am all alone. A much needed break from the ordinary life.

I met her in a similar circle just as Buddha had predicted. I met her where and when it had to happen. It was no use waiting and while it is safe to say that I am in love and happy , I yearn for that old life and here I am getting on with a journey . Is it a bucket list thing. I don’t have a bucket list. I am an ordinary guy, just with an opportunity to travel.

Any ways I have believed in the theory forever and here I am waiting for departure…..
Oh almost forgot the map
To be continued….

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